First it was the NHL where prior to the 1970’s about 90% of the players were from North America; now only 50%; then the NBA in the 1980’s going from 98% North American to now with close to 30% coming from other countries. Maybe Baseball is next? …..if we can just convince a few more Hungarians that kicking an over-inflated little ball around hasn’t been working out to well (INVESTMENT/RETURN) for the past 55 years; maybe time to take that natural ability at throwing things (Vizilabda, Kezilabda) in a new direction. After all, the top pitcher in the MLB last year made about $30,000,000USD more than the top 20 professional Waterpolo, Team Handball, and Focilabda players combined. 😀 (Joe).…/pirates-call-up-first-born-and-raised-li…